Trusted by Our Community
Join us in celebrating the life and community of our founder, Bobbie Parsons. If you have a Bobbie story, as many of us do, please consider sharing in the form below.
hero to many - Bobbie Parsons

Belinda Butler
What an impact she made on the world. May she enjoy playing with all the animals she helped.
Nancy Mize
That is so very true. She WAS animal rescue in Pitt County for so many years and devoted her life to this cause. We would not be Wheeee we are today without her leadership and love of animals.
Michele Leigh
I have way too many to share but one that makes me giggle the most was her moving cats and dogs around her home and renaming them so her husband Tom thought they were "new" arrivals.
Pam Thompson Byrd
So many memories it is difficult to pinpoint one or two. We went out on several animal cruelty cases together and she was fearless. She took animals I found and eventually, I was led to become a rescuer. You don't really understand how much takes out of you until you are a part of it. Bobbie never let it get her down. She always put the animals first. She was a hero to many and will be missed.
Ashley McQuage
I worked with her and completed my high school senior project by shadowing her. I was helping clean the cat barn out in her back yard when one of the loves of my life introduced himself. He was a senior cat, and I had to have him. I went through the adoption process, and he became mine. We loved each other fiercely for the 4 years I had him.
Terry Barnes Edwards
Our community has certainly lost a wonderful friend to the animals! She was a great lady to do all that she did for so many animals & teaching others to do the same!
Melanie Swain Greene
I remember when I worked for Dr. Bateman late 70's and early 80's and Bobbie Parson would come in with all her "strays". She was so caring and spent so much out of pocket money. Dr. Joe Bateman always tried to help her the only way he could by giving her low or no cost animal care. She was so caring when it came to the babies she took in. Bobbie Parsons was The Humane Society back then and did all she could to help as many as possible.
Carolyn Fielder
Can you just hear the uproar at the Rainbow Bridge today as she greets the MANY souls she saved? Heaven’s Angel is our loss indeed.
Alice Williams Blackwell
​We benefited over the years with two family pets because of her work. Very grateful
Terri White Barbour
I thought of her the other day when I was riding by “the first HS” house! She’s an icon for animal rescue!
Donna Riddick
May she rest in peace surrounded by the many animals she saved and loved!! What a wonderful soul she was!!
Tammy Squires
Awe bless she has been an inspiration to so many the love she has for animals how far she goes beyond for all. God bless you Ms. Bobbie
Joanne Baggett Elkins
Bobbie is an inspiration to us all. I will never forget responding to animal cruelty complaints with her. She was compassionate and taught me so much! Our time in rescue together is a treasure to me. So many of us have made the remark that we each hope we can follow her example and keep rescuing for as long as she has.
Janet Hofstetter
I have so much respect for this woman. And it goes far beyond my trip to the cat barn in her backyard where Gnatalie and Mac were waiting for me to find them.
Lisa Reichstein
I adopted a puppy from Bobbie that lived 17 years. Her name was Shadow and we loved her so much. Thank you Bobbie! Say hi to Shadow for me.
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